Below are some common acronyms you will likely come across during your research of PV systems.
A #
- AES: Advanced encryption standard (security system, used in WiFi)
- AIO: All In One (widely applied: all the parts for a system in one box; usually used only when other similar devices use distinct units)
- AP: (WiFi) Access Point (A hardware device connecting WiFi signals to a Wired (e.g. Ethernet) network)
- API: Application Programming Interface (A programming term, which has become more widely used. The documented software interface between parts of a computer system)
B #
- BMS: Battery Management System. A control unit that ensures the battery is used safely, not under- or over-charged or charged faster than it should be. Sometimes includes status reporting and overall charge control)
C #
D #
- DCC: Data Communications Channel (or … Company?)
- DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Method of assigning IP addresses on demand)
- DNO: Distribution Network Operator (Company that runs the equipment, vs the one charging consumers)
- DOD: Depth of Discharge (How much of the stored energy in a battery can be used without damaging the battery, in %)
E #
- EMS: Energy Management System (A control system whose job it is to monitor and apply rules to energy flows)
- EPS: Emergency Power Supply (GivEnergy: an output on the inverter that is powered from the battery even when no grid available)
- EVSE: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (Most people commonly refer to EVSE as “EV charging station” or “charge point”)
F #
- Firmware: A computer program built into a device as a permanent part of it and usually necessary for operation. Often it can be changed with some special procedure. Contrast Hardware (the wires, components boards and boxes) and Software (user-interactive programs such as a web browser or App).
- FTTP: Fibre To The Premises (Providing broadband/internet using only a Fibre-Optic cable all the way, vs using metal wires.
G #
H #
I #
- IOT: Internet of things (Umbrella term for gadgets, such as sensors, that are internet connected, rather than standalone)
- IP: The Internet Protocol, backbone of the Internet (A unique number assigned to all PCs/phones/etc to identify them. See also TCP, UDP)
J #
K #
L #
- LiFePo: A type of Lithium-Ion Battery using Lithium and Iron phosphate (Ferrophosphate).
- LiPo: A type of Lithium-Ion Battery using Lithium and and an organic Polymer such as polyethylene.
M #
- MAC: Media Access Control address (An address given to every network device by the manufacturer, usually 6 bytes long and usually written down in hexadecimal with colons between bytes: “33:58:22:ab:77:32”. A byte is 8 binary digits, or bits, so a MAC is 48 bits long.)
- MCS: Microgeneration Certification Scheme (UK Govt authorisation scheme for grid-connected small (<50KWh) power generators)
- MPPT: Maximum Power Point Tracking (Algorithm used in solar panel DC converters to extract the maximum energy from panels)
N #
O #
- OCV: Open Circuit Voltage (The voltage between terminals of a power source with no load attached. Normally much higher than the loaded voltage)
- OP: Original Poster (In email or forum discussions the person who posted the initial question in this particular thread)
P #
Q #
R #
- RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indicator (A tool measuring the quality of a signal as received, usually radio but not always)
S #
- SEG: Smart Export Guarantee (a UK Govt scheme for small power generators)
- sic: Sic Erat Scriptum, “thus was it written”. Indicates the writer knows something is wrong but it has been left uncorrected because it is a quote from some other source. Not capitalised.
- SOC: State of charge (the amount of power (KW) left in a battery as a percentage of its currently known maximum value)
- SSID: Service Set Identifier (wireless network name)
- STA: Station Mode (WiFi router mode, alternative to AP, qv)
T #
- TCP: Transmission Control Protocol (common algorithm enabling computers to communicate lots of data; the fundamentals of the internet. See also IP, UDP)
- TIOAOA: Turn It Off And On Again
- TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (name of a now-insecure WiFi password algorithm)
- TL;DR: Too Long, Didn’t Read (originally a rather rude response to a very long or overly detailed forum or email post; now used ironically by authors to signpost a quick summary of the remaining text)
- TOU: Tariff charges that fluctuate with the expected demand at varying times of the day
U #
- UDP: User Datagram Protocol (common algorithm enabling computers to communicate very small blocks of data; the fundamentals of the internet. See also IP, TCP)
- UFH: Under-Floor Heating (heating system that uses pipes or cables embedded in the floor rather than radiators, etc)
V #
- V2L: Vehicle-to-load or V2L technology is much simpler as it does not require a bidirectional charger to operate. This is also sometimes referred to as VTOL. Vehicles with V2L have a built-in bidirectional charger and standard AC power outlets, which can be used to plug in any regular household AC appliances
W #
- WAN: Wide Area Network (a data network that spans areas larger than towns, such as the Internet. Contrast: MAN (Metropolitan area, a town or city), and LAN (Local area, up to a building))
- WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy (name of a broken WiFi password algorithm)
- WPA2-PSK: WiFi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key (name of WiFi password algorithm)